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I hope that you find this page of resources helpful for all your pregnancy, birthing and early parenting needs.

I try to keep this page up to date, however if you find that any links aren't working please let me know so I can fix it.


Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting Resources

3 Centres Collaboration

Australian Mulitple Birth Association

Beer and Bubs

Belly Belly

Better Health Channel

Birth For Human Kind

Birth International

Birth Planner (visual)

Birth Map (Birth Cartography)

Birthing from Within

Bliss Health and Wellness

Born Online

Bring it on - Childbirth and parenting education

Complementary Health - Naturopathy

Core of Life

Core and floor Restore

Dr Rachel Reed - Midwife Thinking

Dr Sarah Buckley

Dr Sara Wickam


Empowering Motherhood

Endorsed Midwives Australia

Henci Goer

Home birth Australia

Hypnobirthing Australia

L'll Aussie Prems foundation

I Birth Professionals

Maha Al Musa - Dance of the Womb

MAMA​ - Midwives and Mamas Australia

Maternal and Child Health Services

Maternity Choices Australia

Maternity Consumer Network

Melbourne Pregnancy + Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy


Midwives Australia

Neonatal eHandbook​

Nourish - mind, body, baby

Optimal Maternal Positioning

Pelvic Floor first

Pinky McKay

Pregnancy, birth and baby

Premmie Help

Raising Children - The Australian Parenting website

Rhea Dempsey - Birthing Wisdom

Science and Sensibility

Spinning Babies


The bub hub

The Pelvic Hub

The Wild Orange Tree

Transforming Maternity Care

Victorian Maternity and Newborn Clinical Network

Waterbirth International

What Were We Thinking

Women's and Childrens Health Network

Wonder Woman Children


Teen and Young Parent Resources

Birth For Human Kind

Brave Foundation

Bright Girl Health

Core of Life

Hester Hornbrook Academy

Raise - Mentor Program

Swinburne Young Mums Program

Young and teenage pregnant and parenting mums Australia


Professional Organisations


Equipment Hire

TENS machines - The Birth Store

Pool Hire (Vic) - Gtow.Birth.Mother


Australian Breastfeeding Association

Ardo Breast Pumps

Breastfeeding online

Brimbank Council Breastfeeding Support

Dr Ghaheri (USA)


Lactation Consultants of Australia and New Zealand

Maternal Instincts


Melton Council Breastfeeding Support

Narelle Dwyer - Lactation Consultant

Pinky McKay

Rebecca Glover


The Mama Circle

The Milk Meg

The Milk Tree​


World Health Organisation - breastfeeding


Social Conscience

1000 days​

Angel gowns

Better Birth 360o

Birth of a Mama

Birthing Kit foundation

CASA house

Foundation House


Human Rights in Childbirth

Midwives for peace - Madre

Send Hope Not Flowers

Share the Dignity

The nappy collective

Wild born project

WIRE - Women's Infomation

World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action



Capers Bookstore :

Birth Time - Documentary - to stream now use CICADA20 for 20% off

Birthing From Within by Pam England

Ancient Map for Modern Birth by Pam England

Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Sarah Buckley

Why Induction Matters by Rachel Reed

Childbirth without fear by Dr Grantly Dick-Read

Birth with Confidence by Rhea Dempsey

Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin

Birth Matters by Ina May Gaskin

The Thinking Woman's Guide for a Better Birth by Henci Goer

The First Forty Days: The Essential art of nourishing the New Mother - Heng Ou

Newborn Mothers - Julia Jones

Cheers to Childbirth - by Lucy Perry

Why Human Rights in Childbirth Matters - by Rebecca Schiller

Our Bodies, Our Babies - Kerreen Reiger

The Microbiome Effect: How your baby’s birth influences their future health by Alex Wakeford Toni Harmon

Anti-D in Midwifery: Paradox or Pancea by Sara Wickham

Optimal Foetal Positioning by Jean Sutton, Pauline Scott

25 Ways to Awaken Your Birth Power - Danette Watson, Stephanie Corkhill Hyles

Dance of the Womb - Maha Al Musa

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: the VBAC handbook by Helen Churchill, Wendy Savage

Freedom for Birth - DVD

Birth Reborn - DVD

Face of Birth - DVD

The Business of Being Born - DVD trailer


Podcasts Links

Australian Birth Stories

Back to Basics Birthing


Dr Erin Bowe - Birth Trauma Training for Birth Workers


The Midwives Cauldron

Nuture Hub

PBB Media

Rockstar Birth Magazine

Rural Birth Stories

The Birth L:ounge

The Mumologues

The Great Birth Rebellion

VBAC birth stories




Cairns, QLD. 4870, Australia




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